Welcome! Thank you for your application for membership of the Farmers Markets Alliance of NSW.

If you haven’t already transferred payment into our bank account, the details are here below:

Account name: Farmers Markets Alliance of New South Wales Inc
BSB: 082739
Account number: 188735593

Once your membership is confirmed, you will start to receive email updates on the FMANSW’s progress on the issues we are developing, such as a farmers market accreditation system. As a member, you will have an opportunity to provide input and vote on issues as they are brought to the membership by the committee.

You can follow the FMANSW on Instagram and Facebook, where you might also like to join our FMANSW Facebook group. This group is provided for members only, where you are welcome to post questions or information on topics that you’d like discussed by fellow farmers market operators and stall holders. We hope it will help foster a community strongly based in a supportive and collaborative culture.

Please check your market’s listing on our market directory and get in touch if the details are incorrect or inaccurate.

The benefits and services we provide to members are being improved all the time, but — like you — our committee is always short of time, so sometimes our progress doesn’t keep pace with our intention.

Once again, thank you for joining the FMANSW and we look forward to working with you to represent the interests of genuine farmers markets and the farmers who rely on them in this state.

Kate Raymond
on behalf of the FMANSW Committee