Getting farmers markets right
Southern Harvest was founded to support the food economy of the entire south east NSW and capital region. The Bungendore farmers market is just one way they do this. Since the resurgence of farmers markets in recent decades, a number of proven best practice principles have emerged. While the application of these principles can vary … Continue reading Getting farmers markets right PART 3: choosing a community-owned organisational structure
The metropolitan Castle Hill Farmers Market in north-west Sydney draws from the nearby Hawkesbury region Local and regional food systems have taken root across Australia in recent years, with a flourishing of farmers markets, community supported agriculture, food hubs, cooperatives and collectives all working to re-establish a more direct connection between those who grow our … Continue reading Getting farmers markets right PART 2: define “local”
We’re breaking down the topics and practices central to creating an authentic and successful farmers market in our “Getting Farmers Markets Right” series. Ensure more consumer dollars end up in the hands of local agricultural producers through Best Practice Principle #1: No agents or resellers.